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🇬🇧Ukus In Fabula, Ukulele Party Band made in Italy. Active since 2012, with more than 100 concerts a year. The greatest hitsof all time, mixed and surprisingly played all with the Ukulele!

Here are our strengths:


Intense live activity made of events in luxury locations, conventions, weddings, as well as clubs and squares all over Italy. Various television broadcasts. We have represented Italy in important festivals in Australia, Israel, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Czech Rep., Scotland, Germany, Finland and Austria. Also worth mentioning is the collaboration with the Institute of Italian Culture in Israel and the Embassy of Great Britain in Rome.


Our repertoire is international, sung and played, and embraces many genres of music. From soft listening music, from Rock to Reggae, from 70s/80s Dance to Rock’n’Roll, passing also through Italian, Romanesque or Neapolitan music. This therefore makes it malleable depending on the type of event.


The band’s sound goes from Hawaiian and acoustic to electric rock with effects and distortion on ukuleles, and is complemented by electronic footdrum that adds the sounds of drums and percussion.

Have you ever heard “Another Brick in the Wall” played on ukulele?


It creates curiosity in your audience and brings joy. Impossible not to stop and listen!!



– “SI PUO’ FARE” on RAI UNO –  April 2014

– “I SOLITI IGNOTI” on RAI UNO –  2018 and  2021

– Italy’s Got Talent on Sky – November 2014

– Sunshine Coast Ukulele Festival (Australia) – 2018

– Institute of Italian Culture in Haifa and Jacob’s Ladder Summer Festival (Israel) – May 2018,

– British Embassy in Rome (party) – 2017, 2018, 2019

– Jacob’s Ladder Winter Festival (Israel) – 2018

– Ukulele Festival of Scotland , with the UKULELE ORCHESTRA OF GREAT BRITAIN – 2017, 2018, 2019

– Czech Ukulele Festival + tour – 2014

— International Ukulele Festival in Caldogno(VI), with the UKULELE ORCHESTRA OF GREAT BRITAIN – 2014

– Visagino Country Festival (Lithuania) + tour and video on the national TV – 2014, 2021

– Acoustic Guitar Meeting, closing band of the festival in Sarzana (SP) – 2015

– Voghera Country festival – 2015, 2016, 2017, 2022

– Rusne Folk festival (Lithuania) + Tour – 2015

– Bauska Country Festival (Latvia) + Tour – 2015

– Finnish TOUR – 2015

– Walburg Festival (Frankfurt) – 2016

– Acoustic Guitar Meeting in Sarzana (SP) – 2016

– Italian Ukulele Festival – 2016

– Corsalonga Western Show - 2016, 2017, 2018

– Alexanderplatz Roma - 2016

– Austrian Ukulele Festival – 2017, 2018

– Ukulele Festival of Scotland – 2017, 2018, 2019

– Uking under the toscan Sun – 2017

– Tropical Winter Ukulele Festival – 2019

– Cali Poznan Ukulele – 2019

– Berliner Ukulele  Festival – 2022

– Monopolele Ukulele Festival (Monopoli-BA) – 2023


🇮🇹 Ukus In Fabula, Ukulele Party Band made in Italy. Attivi dal 2012, con più di 100 concerti l’anno. I più grandi successidi tutti i tempi, mescolati e sorprendentemente suonati tutti con l’Ukulele!

Ecco i nostri punti di forza:


Intensa attività live fatta di eventi in location di lusso, conventions, matrimoni, oltre a club e piazze di tutta Italia. Varie trasmissioni televisive. Abbiamo rappresentato l’Italia in importanti Festival in Australia, Israele, Lituania, Lettonia, Polonia, Rep. Ceca, Scozia, Germania, Finlandia e Austria. Da menzionare inoltre la collaborazione con l’Istituto di Cultura italiana in Israele e con l’Ambasciata della Gran Bretagna di Roma.


Il nostro repertorio è internazionale, cantato e suonato, ed abbraccia tantissimi generi musicali. Dalla musica soft d’ascolto, dal Rock al Reggae, dalla Dance anni ’70/’80 al Rock’n’Roll, passando anche per la musica italiana, romanesca o napoletana. Questo lo rende quindi plasmabile a seconda del tipo di evento.


Il suono della band passa dal sound hawaiano ed acustico a quello rock elettrico con effetti e distorsioni sugli ukulele, ed è completato dalla footdrum elettronica che aggiunge le sonorità di batteria e percussioni.

Avete mai sentito “Another brick in the wall” suonata con l’ukulele?


Crea curiosità nel vostro pubblico e mette allegria. Impossibile non fermarsi ad ascoltare!


– “SI PUO’ FARE” su RAI UNO –  Aprile 2014

– “I SOLITI IGNOTI” su RAI 1 –  2018 e 2021

– Italy’s Got Talent su Sky – Novembre 2014

– Sunshine Coast Ukulele Festival (Australia) – 2018

– Istituto di Cultura Italiana di Haifa e Jacob’s Ladder Summer Festival (Israele) – Maggio 2018

– Jacob’s Ladder Winter Festival (Israele) – 2018

– Ambasciata inglese a Roma – Luglio 2017, 2018, 2019

– Ukulele Festival of Scotland, con la UKULELE ORCHESTRA OF GREAT BRITAIN – 2017, 2018, 2019

– Czech Ukulele Festival + tour – 2014

– Visagino Country Festival (Lituania) + tour con video sulla TV nazionale – 2014, 2021

– Ukulele Festival a Caldogno(VI), ed esibizione con la UKULELE ORCHESTRA  OF GREAT BRITAIN – 2014

– Acoustic Guitar Meeting, band di chiusura del festival a Sarzana (SP) – 2015

– Voghera Country festival – 2015, 2016, 2017, 2022

– Rusne Folk festival (Lituania) + Tour – 2015

– Bauska Country Festival (Lettonia) + Tour – 2015

– Finnish TOUR – 2015

– Walburg Festival (Frankfurt) – 2016

– Acoustic Guitar Meeting a Sarzana (SP) – 2016

– Italian Ukulele Festival – 2016

– Corsalonga Western Show - 2016, 2017, 2018

– Alexanderplatz Roma - 2016 

– Austrian Ukulele Festival – 2017, 2018

– Ukulele Festival of Scotland – 2017, 2018, 2019

– Uking under the toscan sun – 2017

– Tropical Winter Ukulele Festival – 2019

– Cali Poznan Ukulele – 2019

– Berliner Ukulele  Festival – 2022

– Notte dei Musei – Mercati di Traiano (RM) – 2022

– Monopolele Ukulele Festival (Monopoli-BA) – 2023